Lextropolis featrure about Garry R. Bibbs
Eire Art Museum Quarterly
 University of Kentucky’s  Gatton College of Business and Economics  largest new piece of artwork is a four-ton stainless steel and bronze sculpture suspended from the ceiling of a soaring new atrium. “Humanity Roll — Left to Right” was created
When the Spirit Moves
African Americans in the Visual Arts
African American Art and Artists
In the Spirit of Martin, The Living Legacy of Dr Martin Luther King, Jr.
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Lextropolis featrure about Garry R. Bibbs
Lextropolis featrure about Garry R. Bibbs
Eire Art Museum Quarterly
Eire Art Museum Quarterly

BEHIND THE SCENES with Professor Garry R. Bibbs

 University of Kentucky’s  Gatton College of Business and Economics  largest new piece of artwork is a four-ton stainless steel and bronze sculpture suspended from the ceiling of a soaring new atrium. “Humanity Roll — Left to Right” was created

University of Kentucky’s Gatton College of Business and Economics largest new piece of artwork is a four-ton stainless steel and bronze sculpture suspended from the ceiling of a soaring new atrium. “Humanity Roll — Left to Right” was created by Garry R. Bibbs, an associate professor in the School of Art & Visual Studies. The sculpture symbolizes life’s journey.

Read more here: http://www.kentucky.com/news/local/news-columns-blogs/tom-eblen/article135088109.html

When the Spirit Moves
When the Spirit Moves

Edited by Barbara Glass, Essays by Barbara Glass, Brenda Dixion, Gottschild, Melany White, Dixon, Jacqui Malone, Katrine Hazzard, Samella Lewis,
The National Afro-American Museum and Cultural Center, Wiberfore, Ohio
(page 152 and 153)

African Americans in the Visual Arts
African Americans in the Visual Arts

Facts on File Library of American History

African American Art and Artists
African American Art and Artists
In the Spirit of Martin, The Living Legacy of Dr Martin Luther King, Jr.
In the Spirit of Martin, The Living Legacy of Dr Martin Luther King, Jr.

Verve Editions
(page 252)

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